- Disable SSID broadcast.
- Change default settings.
- Enable MAC address filtering.
- Open authentication: all clients can connect to the WLAN.
- Preshared keys (PSK): both AP and client are configured with the same key. This is a one-way authentication because the AP doesn't authenticate with the host (user doesn't have to authenticate).
- Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP): the EAP software on the client communicates with an authentication server as RADIUS which maintains a database of users separate from the AP. 802.1x can also provide AP security through user authentication (EAP).
- Wired Equivalent Privacy - WEP key is 64 to 256 bits but all devices (including AP) must have the same manually configured static key to understand transmissions. This is easily avoided nowadays with hacking software.
- Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is also 64 to 256 but has a more secure encryption because it rotates keys. WPA uses TKIP (temporal key integrity protocol) to generate new keys for clients and rotate them at a configurable interval, both client and AP have the key. Remember that WPA dynamically generates a different key with each client communication with the AP.
- 802.11i/WPA2 is a better version that uses advanced encryption standard (AES) technology.
Consider these points when planning/troubleshooting a WLAN:
- Signal: 802.11b/g/n have a larger coverage area than 802.11a. Generally speaking: the more data rates the lower the coverage area. There's also interference and reflection (RF waves bounce off metal or glass surfaces).
- Standards: be careful with backward-compatibility, some AP's don't support the 5 GHz frequency (802.11a).
- Bandwith: all users share the same bandwith on a BSS.
- Association: make sure that the SSID is correct on clients and AP.
- Total cost of ownership (TCO).
- Channels and correct placing.
- Authentication/security.
If you want to get hands-on with 802.1X, consider using a free hosted service: http://www.NoWiresSecurity.com